Posts tagged incubate this!
The Startup Therapy Couch™: Critical Factors for Startup Success - #3 MVP

In this 5-part series, we explore the critical factors for startup success. And #3 is…. (drum roll)… MVP!

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The Tech Therapy Couch: Because you know, it’s all about the team, ’bout the team.

Often in pitches or investor presentations, I’m hearing about the awards people have won for their idea, or they are talking only about their vision.

As I’ve said before, execution is everything. And only people can execute! Your team, your people, they are THE absolute most important part of your idea or your business. Without them, you’d be nowhere having your grand vision on your own.

Honor your people, and don’t skip talking about them when you talk about your startup.

No treble.

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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Setbacks will happen, and it's ok!

Setbacks. Delays. Snafus. Whatever name you give them, they are going to happen. So what do you do? Do you freak out? Do you run around like a chicken with your head cut off?

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The Tech Therapy Couch: If I talk about my idea, someone will steal it!

It’s a concern we hear all the time: “If I’m talking about my idea to everyone and their brother, someone will steal it!” Today we’re helping you take a few settling breaths and understand the reality of ideas.

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The Tech Therapy Couch: Honor Thyself

From the great outdoors of beautiful, sunny Colorado, we are talking about how to balance honoring your original intention for building your app or software idea with building something people actually want and need. How does one little grasshopper do that, Yoda?

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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Keep going. You got this.

Every entrepreneur I know will describe a time in the building of a new company and new idea where you feel and intuitively know that you are doing all of the right things... But it seems like nothing is happening.

Just because it SEEMS that way, doesn't mean that's true. Just keep going. The difference between an entrepreneur and everyone else is that this is the time the entrepreneur digs in, trusts themselves, and keeps moving forward.

Just keep swimming... swimming... swimming...

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Podcast: Do you really need an Advanced Degree to succeed as a Software Developer?

This week on Incubate This!, in podcast partnership with The Raika Show, Raika Technologies and talk about the benefits of advanced education and postulates how much a formal degree matters to be a successful Software Developer.

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The Tech Therapy Couch: Big Ideas... Not Big Data.

When you're getting to the heart of your app or software idea to determine what needs to be in your prototype or MVP, you need to remember that any app that requires a bunch of pre-loaded data in order to provider value will be MUCH more expensive to produce. That's because you don't already have the data from the user's actually using your product, so you have to buy it from someone else.

If you're in that place, you haven't gone far enough into your idea to root out the intrinsic value of it. Create something that users want or need regardless of the resulting statistics and metrics, and you will curate the data over time. THEN you can add that value into your app later, and your users will be thrilled that now they can see what you see.


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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Know it all... Don't control it all.

You MUST know everything that's going on with your company when you're building a startup. If there's a manufacturing process, no one should know it better than you. If there's software, no one should be better informed about the state of the software than you.

HOWEVER... You CANNOT, SHOULD NOT, WILL NOT be able to CONTROL all of those things. And you SHOULD NOT try. Do what you are good at, be the biggest champion of your product and your people, and let those who are great at their jobs do them well.

Happy Tuesday, you know-it-alls!

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